photo by Ricofeld Foss


photo by Ricofeld Foss
The Press
'This piece was awesome,dynamic, industrial, technical, and had a very digital feeling to it.
The work done by the dancers on this piece really did knock my socks off.' -
Trace in Loss, NorthWest Dance Project - Sabrina Miller, Portland Stange Reviews​​
​“With an interesting concept and content comes Abrupto from Alex Soares, who had his debut this year in São Paulo. Individualizing people in a group and finding relationships and partnerships between solidification and explosion of movements made this piece an impressive dance. ”
Abrupto., São Paulo City Ballet - Dietholf Zerweck, Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung
"A happy moment: the best piece of the evening is a work by Brazilian Choreographer, Alex Soares. Everything in WiiPrevisto, is the result o detailed research. Firstly, the lighting which penetrates space: a source of light in the backdrop illuminates the stage in a diagonal beam. Other beams of diagonal light crisscross the stage. The dancers are struck by this lighting arrangement. The sound track also opens a new world with dissonant sounds and the noise of panes of glass shattering into a thousand pieces. But above all it is the choreography, a mixture of force and fragility, that pleases. As an example a boy grabs a girl to lift her, but her port de bras has all the fragility of a 19th century sylph. The piece is a good sign of the healthiness of dance in Brazil."
WiiPrevisto, São Paulo City Ballet - Emmanuele Rugger, Ballet2000 Review
"Creator and creature talk. The hand moves the body as if it were dough and gives it shape. Between the sculpture of the young woman with her eyes closed, and the sculptor who inspires the choreography, it is not always clear whether it is the sculptor who sculpts the flesh, or whether the sculpture is what gives shape and tells the artist's life. Full of feeling, this is a studio duo: we observe through a half-open door an intimate moment of artistic creation, where everything overflows with delicacy and sensitivity.”
Alex Soares' work is marked by an extraordinary sensitivity to the use of movement. Technical, precise, complex, but emotional, sensitive and efficient. His choreographies have the ability to transport, to take you away from the present moment, and make your mind travel. “Young woman with closed eyes, c.1890” is a short duo, which is part of a larger work that the choreographer originally put together in Chile, and now arrives revamped for his Cia Jovem de Dança in Jundiaí — a hotbed of talents that I have already praised it more than once, but it offers us, in addition to the many relevant proposals, the possibility of seeing even more works by one of our greatest choreographers."
​Young Woman with her eyes closed, c. 1890, Jundiaí Youth Dance Company - Henrique Rochelle, Outra Dança
Alex Soares
Based in Sao Paulo, Alex Soares has had a career as a dancer in his native Brazil with a range of contemporary dance companies, including São Paulo City Ballet (BCSP) and Balé Teatro Guaíra.
During his career as a dancer, Alex performed works by renowned choreographers Ohad Naharin, Mauro Bigonzetti, Rami Levi, Gagik Ismailian, Itzik Galili, Angelin Preljocaj, Cayetano Soto, Oscar Araiz,Luis Arrieta,Henrique Rodovalho, among others.
As a choreographer and video maker, Alex began creating in workshop settings for new choreographers at the São Paulo City Ballet, whilst still dancing. Always very interested in video and its many aspects, Alex also studied film-making, with the purpose of using this knowledge in his scenic productions and also in the creation of video dance. His video dance For a lost moment (2009) received the best video award at the 2010 Minute Festival and the following year he was invited by Noord Nederlandse Dans, a company based in Groningen, Netherlands, to create the video dance Perishable.
​In 2012, Alex was one of 16 finalists of the 26th Hannover International Choreography Competition, an event that annually brings together promising choreographers in Hannover, Germany. That same year he won the 4th Pretty Creatives International Choreography Competition, which made it possible to create Trace in Loss for the Northwest Dance Project, a company based in Portland, USA. In 2013 he created Link for Ribeirão Preto Cia de Dança, which won the Choreographic Creation Award of the Year for the Paulista Dance Cooperative.
As a guest choreographer, Alex has created works in Brazil for Balé Teatro Guaíra, Niterói City Ballet, Balé Teatro Castro Alves, Sesc Dance Company, Ribeirão Preto Dance Company, Amazonas Dance Company and São Paulo City Ballet.
Internationally, Alex has created for Noord Nederländse Dans (Holland), Northwest Dance Project (USA), National Ballet of Chile, KoMA ballet (Denmark) and Hubbard Street Dance Chicago (USA).
Since 2010, Alex has directed his own artistic troupe, the Mov_oLA Project and in October 2018 he was appointed Artistic Director of a Jundiaí Youth Dance Company. In 2020, he was appointed Dance Curator for the Qualification Program in Arts of the State of São Paulo.
Future commissions include new works in 2024/25 for the Sao Paulo Companhia de Danca in Brazil and for El Ballet Contemporáneo del Teatro San Martín in Argentina.