
The Press
'Fluid and organic, generous with the public, Mathieu Guilhaumon’s L’Heure Bleue gently, subtlety and ingeniously carries us away'
El Mercurio
'Mathieu Guilhaumon had the interesting and brilliant idea (it cannot be described in any other way) to conceive a refreshing contemporary version of Giselle ... the result is a success, an artistic coup.'
Las Ultimas noticias
'With Noces, Mathieu Guilhaumon runs with great panache the rythm of the piece as well as the great group of dancers from which arise scenic situations that capture the viewer's gaze. The final appearance of the bride and groom is remarkable, clear symbol of their union as a sacrifice.'
Santi Theater & Dance
'Hats Off! is an expressive and energetic fusion of urban and contemporary dance ... Mathieu Guilhaumon invites us to dream and recreates a type of show strongly rooted in the popular imagination, a work that expands the borders of contemporary dance and nurtures it in other ways that enrich its expression.' - Tuiteros cultura
'Hats Off! is a high-calibre production'
Santi Theater & Dance
'Dos veces Bach is a neat and elegant choreography with a touch of humour (...) an experience that moves by its aesthetic virtuosity.'
Vuelan las Plumas
'In Dos veces Bach Mathieu Guilhaumon shows an unparalleled talent to set a piece that highlights music and dance'
Mathieu Guilhaumon
Mathieu's video links are here.
Choreographer and artistic director of Ballet Nacional Chileno (BANCH) since 2013, Mathieu Guilhaumon started training at the Conservatory of Dance in Perpignan in his native France. He later trained at the Alvin Ailey American Dance Center in New York and at the Rudra Béjart School in Lausanne. As a dancer he successively joined Stadttheater Bern Ballet, Ballet Theater Augsburg and finally Ballet de l’Opéra National du Rhin, where he established himself as a choreographer creating a number of works, including Rebonds, Teas for Six (or Ten) and Peer Gynt among others.
In Chile has created many works for BANCH (La hora Azul, Poesia del Otro, Giselle and Hats Off! among others) and Ballet de Santiago directed by Marcia Haydée (Cuarteto, Dos veces Bach and Noces). More recently he has created a contemporary full evening Nutcracker for BANCH.
Since 2012, Mathieu has been choreographing for opera stagings by Director Mariame Clément. These include Der Rosenkavalier and Das Liebesverbot at the Opéra national du Rhin; Hänsel und Gretel at the Opéra National de Paris and L'Étoile at the Royal Opera House in London, Lulu at the Opera Nacional de Chile and Die Verkaufte Braut at Semperoper Dresden.
In both 2018 and 2019, Mathieu's pieces Giselle and Hats Off! were awarded the prize of best works by the Circle of Art Critics of Chile.
In 2018 Mathieu was appointed Cultural Figure of the Year by the National Chilean newspaper El Mercurio.
In 2021, parallel to his responsibilities in Chile, Mathieu was appointed artistic director of Le Groupe International des 8 in France and created the Festival des 8, an annual dance festival where internationally renowned teaching artists, choreographers and performers share their discipline during one week.
​Mathieu has worked extensively with the Étoile dancer of the Paris Opéra, Marie-Agnès Gillot and choreography Mariame Clément's production of Cendrillon for the Paris Opera and in 2024 her production of Romeo and Juliet for the Berlin State Opera.